HCLC Celebrity Bartending Fundraiser
Thursday, March 27, 2025 (4:30 PM - 8:30 PM) (EDT)
Please join us for the Hampden County Bar Legal Clinic's annual Celebrity Bartending Fundraising Event on Thursday, March 27, 2025, from 4:30 to 8:30 PM at Plan b Burger. This is the only fundraiser that exclusively supports the Hampden County Legal Clinic. Join us for raffles, food, beverages, and music/karaoke.
Celebrity Bartenders include:
Daniel Bergin, Esq., criminal defense attorney;
Edward Borgatti, Agawam City Councilor and Proprietor of E.B.s Restaurant;
Wesley Days, Western Mass News;
Hon. Edward McDonough, Jr. (Ret.);
Jaime Morrow, former HCBA employee, Ludlow Chief Procurement Officer, and Bartender @ Paisano's Pub.
Jared Olanoff, Esq., criminal defense attorney;
Anthony Russo, Agawam City Councilor; and,
Rosemary Saccomani, Hampden County Register of Probate
Single Ticket: $35
Bring a Friend (2): $60
1000 West Columbus Avenue
Springfield, MA 01105 United States